

14 人來過18 人收藏


台中市, 梧棲區


  • 叫車服務
  • 美食客分享
  • 熱門餐點
  • 店家菜單
#享婚 #阮的後頭厝 #證婚場地 󠀠 粉嫩粉嫩的愛情~ 沉浸在愛的氛圍裡,享受幸福時刻💞 連迎娶場地、新娘休息室、貴賓接待區都準備好啦! 讓我們一起見證幸福永恆~ 󠀠 ▪️洽詢專線 (04)3705-5888 #6188 ▪️專案詳情 https://reurl.cc/VzXLkQ 󠀠󠀠 ▪️LINE https://reurl.cc/ezEjj7 ▪️Instagram https://reurl.cc/gGWLL4 ▪️12GO灣兔購 https://www.12go.live/ ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 The sweet, tender love~ Immerse yourself in a loving atmosphere and enjoy blissful moments 💞 From the wedding venue to the bride's dressing room and VIP reception area, everything is ready! Let's witness eternal happiness together~ 󠀠 ▪️ For inquiries, call (04)3705-5888 ext. #6188 ▪️ For more details, visit: https://reurl.cc/VzXLkQ 󠀠 ▪️LINE https://reurl.cc/ezEjj7 ▪️Instagram https://reurl.cc/gGWLL4 ▪️12GO灣兔購 https://www.12go.live/ 󠀠 #台中 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #海線 #梧棲 #台中港酒店 #訂婚 #結婚 #證婚 #12GO灣兔購 #instagram #taichung #wuqi #hotel #love #family #12GO
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「港灣經典牛肉麵」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 Q彈的麵條吸附了濃郁的牛肉湯汁 香氣四溢的牛肉塊搭配爽脆口感的青菜,成就了一碗台式經典的牛肉麵🍜 一起來吃牛肉來補血,隔日再來捐血拿禮品~~ 󠀠 ▪️港灣經典牛肉麵 ▪️售價 NT$380 󠀠 ▪️訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6188 ▪️Pier88餐酒館 https://pse.is/5sc88b 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Tender noodles soaked in rich beef broth, accompanied by flavorful beef chunks and crisp vegetables, create a classic Taiwanese beef noodle soup. 🍜 Indulge in this savory dish, packed with the aroma of beef, for a hearty meal. Don't forget to replenish your energy with beef today and donate blood tomorrow to receive gifts! 󠀠 ▪️Classic Harbor Beef Noodle Soup ▪️Price: NT$380 󠀠 ▪️Reservation hotline: (04)3705-5888 ext. 6188 󠀠 ▪️Pier88 Restaurant & Bar:https://pse.is/5sc88b #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #台中美食 #牛肉 #台式料理 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#享吃 #謝師宴 #樂滿地自助百匯晚餐 󠀠 校園生活還歷歷在目,是時候揪團聚餐啦! 為了感謝老師們的無私奉獻~我們推出畢業感恩 #早鳥優惠 每位只要NT$980+10%就可以享用豐盛的美食佳餚🍷 加碼!4/30(二)前預付訂金~ 即可享啤酒、紅酒無限暢飲唷~~ 󠀠 ▪️優惠期間 2024.05.01(三)~2024.07.31(三) ▪️優惠祥情 https://pse.is/5s5bee 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Campus life is still vivid in memory, it's time to gather and dine together! To express gratitude for the selfless dedication of our teachers, we are introducing an #EarlyBirdOffer. For only NT$980 + 10% per person, you can indulge in a sumptuous feast. Plus, book before April 30th and enjoy unlimited beer and red wine🍷 󠀠 ▪️Offer period: May 1, 2024 (Wednesday) - July 31, 2024 (Wednesday) ▪️Promotion Details https://pse.is/5s5bee 󠀠 #台中 #梧棲 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #台中港酒店 #自助餐 #謝師宴 #海線 #感恩餐會 #學校 #畢業 #taichung #wuqi #buffet #teacher
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「奶油金沙鳥巢麵搭香蔥土魠魚」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 酥脆的金沙鳥麵巢擁有濃郁的奶香 土魠魚魚肉柔嫩,帶有清新的海洋風味🐟 配上爽口的香蔥,味道和口感多層次,絕對值得一試!! 󠀠 ▪️奶油金沙鳥巢麵搭香蔥土魠魚 ▪️售價 NT$680 󠀠 ▪️訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6188 ▪️Pier88餐酒館 https://pse.is/5r2aje 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 The crispy Golden Sand Chicken Noodle Nest boasts a rich creamy flavor, while the tender flesh of the ocean sunfish brings a refreshing sea taste 🐟. Combined with fresh spring onions, the taste and texture are multi-layered, definitely worth a try!! 󠀠 ▪️Creamy Golden Sand Chicken Nest Noodle with Spring Onion Ocean Sunfish ▪️Price: NT$680 󠀠 ▪️Reservation Hotline: (04) 3705-5888 ext. 6188 ▪️Pier88 Restaurant & Bar: https://pse.is/5r2aje 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #台中美食 #奶油金沙鳥巢麵搭香蔥土魠魚 #主廚推薦 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#港邊眷村|老味道 #梧棲 󠀠 榮獲2022、2023臺中 #十大伴手禮 堅持使用健康成份 紐西蘭進口 #安佳無水奶油、#海藻糖 、#紅仁雞蛋 經典牛軋糖+蛋捲 碰出新滋味香濃酥脆可口,讓人一口接一口停不下來啦‼️ 󠀠 《 ㄛ店 O.shop》 ▪️地址│台中市梧棲區港埠路二段408巷3號 ▪️電話│0985-950-747 (取貨須提前預約) ※指定來阮ㄟ故鄉七淘專案,可享最多$400元商家現金抵用券唷~~ 󠀠 ▪️訂房專線 (04)2656-8888分機9 ▪️專案詳情 https://pse.is/5rryh3 (詳情請見官網) ▪️圖片出處 ㄛ店 o.shop打卡奶酥 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Winner of the Top 10 Souvenirs of Taichung in 2022 and 2023, our signature treats feature premium ingredients such as New Zealand-imported Anchor unsalted butter, seaweed sugar, and red-yolked eggs. Our classic nougat and egg rolls are combined to create a new flavor profile—rich, crispy, and irresistibly delicious, leaving you craving for more! 󠀠 《 O.shop Signature Milk Crisp 》 ▪️ Address: No. 3, Lane 408, Section 2, Gangbu Road, Wuchi District, Taichung City ▪️ Phone: 0985-950-747 (Reservation required for pickup) ※ Special offer for visitors from our hometown, Chitow, includes up to $400 in cash vouchers for use at our store. 󠀠 ▪️ Reservation Hotline: (04) 2656-8888 ext. 9 ▪️ For more details: https://pse.is/5rryh3 (Please refer to the official website for details) ▪️ Image source: O.shop Signature Milk Crisp 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #ㄛ店 o.shop #打卡奶酥 #伴手禮 #蛋捲 #牛軋糖 #taichung #wuqi #travel #bread #souvenir
#享吃 #母親節饗宴 #早鳥優惠延長 󠀠 今年想好要帶媽媽去哪裡大飽口福了嗎? 慰勞辛勞媽咪的專屬節日,好好享受一頓美味的餐點 必須呈上最豐厚的溫暖之情💕 我們聽到您們的心聲啦!!早鳥優惠再延長!!立即預約大餐吧 󠀠 2024.04.30前付款訂金享免10%服務費,加碼 #現折$100/位 󠀠 【專案價格】 ▪️成人 NT$1080+10% ▪️兒童 NT$680+10% (110~140cm) ▪️孩童 NT$200+10% ( 90~110cm) 󠀠 ▪️訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6188 ▪️專案詳情 https://pse.is/5qutmb 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Have you decided where to treat your mom to a delicious feast this year? It's time to celebrate and pamper your hardworking mom on her special day with a scrumptious meal, showered with the utmost warmth and affection! 💕 We've heard your wishes loud and clear!! Our early bird offer has been extended!! Reserve your table now for a sumptuous dining experience. 󠀠 Enjoy a 10% service charge waiver and an additional $100 off per person if you pay the deposit by April 30, 2024. 󠀠 【Special Prices】 ▪️Adults: NT$1080 +10% ▪️Children (110140cm): NT$680 +10% ▪️Kids (90110cm): NT$200 +10% 󠀠 ▪️Reservation Hotline: (04) 3705-5888 ext. 6188 ▪️For more details: https://pse.is/5qutmb 󠀠 #台中港酒店 #台中住宿 #台中飯店 #海線 #母親節 #母親節大餐 #海線吃到飽 #Buffet #樂滿地自助百匯 #寵愛媽咪 #老饕 #美食 #instagram #taichung #wuqi #travel
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「 #費城牛肉起司潛艇堡」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 準備好迎接一場口感盛宴了嗎? 嫩煎牛肉,搭配融化的起司,襯托出絕佳的口感與豐富的層次! 每一口都充滿著濃厚的肉汁與芳香的起司香氣,絕對是肉食愛好者的最愛! 󠀠 🔥費城牛肉起司潛艇堡 🔥售價 NT$480 󠀠 ▪️ 訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6188 ▪️ Pier88餐酒館 https://psee.io/5k776k 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Are you ready to indulge in a sensory feast? Tender seared beef, paired with melted cheese, bring out exquisite textures and rich layers! Each bite is filled with savory meat juices and the aromatic scent of cheese, making it an absolute favorite for meat lovers! 󠀠 🔥Philadelphia Cheesesteak Sub 🔥Price: NT$480 󠀠 ▪️ Reservation hotline: (04)3705-5888 ext. 6188 ▪️ Pier88 Restaurant: https://psee.io/5k776k 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #牛肉 #美味 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#享樂 #兒童節 #放假快樂 希望所有大朋友小朋友永遠感受到無盡的快樂和溫馨 願港粉永遠保持純真、善良,充滿好奇心和探索精神 台中港酒店祝各位度過一個美好的兒童節,永遠快樂成長~ 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠May all adults and children always feel endless joy and warmth. May the fans in Hong Kong always maintain innocence, kindness, and be filled with curiosity and an adventurous spirit. The Taichung Harbour Hotel wishes everyone a wonderful Children's Day and may you always grow happily. #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #兒童 #小孩 #節日 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel
#享吃 #兒童套餐 #贈吉祥物玩偶 󠀠 兒童節禮物我們替您準備好了!! 2歲~12歲以下孩童點選指定 #兒童套餐 即贈吉祥物鷗嗨喲娃娃乙隻(價值$980元) 趕緊來場親子快樂食光吧~~~ 󠀠 ▪️優惠日期 2024/03/30~2024/04/07 󠀠 ▪️優惠詳情 https://pse.is/5r29x5 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 We have the perfect Children's Day gift prepared for you!! For children aged 2 to 12, select our designated #KidsMeal and receive a complimentary Seagull HiYo plush toy (valued at $980). Come join us for a delightful family feast! 󠀠 ▪️Promotion Period: March 30, 2024, to April 7, 2024 󠀠 ▪️Promotion Details: https://pse.is/5r29x5 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #美食 #餐酒館 #兒童節 #禮物 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food #delicious
#享作 #春季法式花籃 #體驗課程報名 󠀠 想要體驗法式浪漫花藝的朋友們,終於等到了! #小班制 每位學員都能夠充分參與並得到專業指導🌹 󠀠 ▪️活動日期 2024.04.27(六) 14:30~16:00 ▪️活動地點 台中港酒店 3樓福港廳 ▪️課程費用 非房客 - NT$499/位;房客享9折優惠 - NT$449/位 󠀠 活動詳情 https://tch.pse.is/5pz9tm 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 For those eager to experience the charm of French floral art, the moment has finally arrived! #SmallClassSize ensuring each participant receives ample engagement and professional guidance. 🌹 󠀠 ▪️ Event Date: April 27, 2024 (Saturday) 14:30 - 16:00 ▪️ Event Location: Fugang Hall, 3rd Floor, Taichung Harbor Hotel ▪️ Course Fee: Non-residents - NT$499/person; Hotel guests enjoy 10% off - NT$449/person 󠀠 Find out more details about the event here: https://tch.pse.is/5pz9tm 󠀠 #台中 #梧棲 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #台中港酒店 #花藝課程 #法式花籃 #FUN世界 #親子 #課程 #DIY #taichung #wuqi #flower #hotel
#限時搶購 #12小時快閃 #最低2800元起 󠀠 三月春遊海線 限時搶GO趣 ⏰激搶區間:2024/3/28 11:00-23:00 #限時12小時搶購 🔥 住宿區間:2024/3/28-2024/4/30 🔥 準時搶購: https://pse.is/5r5gfx 󠀠 用最優惠預算暢玩 超人氣#三井outlet 樂遊春季微光灑落 最受歡迎#高美濕地 趁這波還在等什麼呢? 趕緊搶一波囉~~~ 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 March Spring Sea Tour - Limited Time Fun GO ⏰ Intense Grabbing Period: 2024/3/28 11:00-23:00 #12-hour Limited Time Purchase 🔥 Accommodation Period: 2024/3/28-2024/4/30 🔥 Grab on Time: https://pse.is/5r5gfx Enjoy a delightful trip within your budget! Explore the highly popular #Mitsui Outlet. Experience the spring's gentle glow at the beloved #Gaomei Wetlands. What are you waiting for? Seize this opportunity now! 󠀠 #台中 #梧棲 #海線 #台中住宿 #台中飯店 #台中港酒店 #限時搶購 #春遊 #房價優惠 #taichung #wuqi #hotel
#享玩 #海線 #咖啡廳 󠀠 每天的精神糧食就是 #咖啡 啦! 還有哪間咖啡廳沒有朝聖過呢! 趕快來賓果連連看,也留言跟港編推薦一下😝 󠀠 ▪️ 立即訂房 https://pse.is/5qhktb 【高鐵飯店聯票】訂房加購高鐵車票,享8折優惠 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 The daily spiritual fuel is none other than #coffee! Is there any café left to explore? Hurry to Bingo and leave a comment recommending one to Hong Editor 😝 󠀠 ▪️ Book now: https://pse.is/5qhktb 【High-Speed Rail Hotel Combo】Book a room and purchase High-Speed Rail tickets to enjoy a 20% discount! 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #梧棲 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #咖啡廳 #咖啡 #taichung #wuqi #hotel #coffee
#享吃 #大甲媽 #餐飲優惠 󠀠 在熱鬧的氛圍中,感受到了媽祖的神聖與力量 也深深被眾多信眾的虔誠所感動 在追媽祖的同時!也要記得吃飽喝足、充滿電唷!💪🏻 󠀠 ▪️優惠期間 2024.04.01~2024.04.30 ▪️優惠活動 凡出示繞境相關證明物「本人」及「共桌友人」即可享有樂滿地自助百匯早餐75折優惠(服務費另計) 󠀠 優惠詳情 https://pse.is/5pl9rm 立即訂位 (04)3705-5888#6188 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Amidst the lively atmosphere, one can feel the sacredness and power of Mazu and be deeply moved by the devoutness of the many worshippers. While chasing Mazu, don't forget to eat well, drink plenty, and stay energized! 💪🏻 󠀠 ▪️ Promotion Period: April 1, 2024, to April 30, 2024 ▪️ Promotion Details: Present relevant proof of pilgrimage "personally" and "with accompanying friends" to enjoy a 25% discount on the buffet breakfast at Le Meridien Taipei (service charge not included). 󠀠 Promotion Details: https://pse.is/5pl9rm Book Now: (04) 3705-5888#6188 󠀠 #台中港酒店 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #海線 #媽祖繞境 #媽祖 #追媽祖 #樂滿地早餐優惠 #呷厚飽 #香客優惠 #taichung #wuqi #travel #food
#享玩 #情人節 #週末好去處 󠀠 情人節準備一起共渡最浪漫的時刻了嗎? BINGO連連看~~還有哪些約會聖地還沒去過呢? 歡迎於下方留言處與港編分享唷~~~ 󠀠 ▪️ 立即訂房 https://pse.is/5ncjmu 【高鐵飯店聯票】訂房加購高鐵車票,享8折優惠 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Are you ready to spend the most romantic moment together on Valentine's Day? How about a game of BINGO and exploring more date spots you haven't been to yet? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below! 󠀠 ▪️ Book now: https://pse.is/5ncjmu 【High-Speed Rail Hotel Combo】Book a room and purchase High-Speed Rail tickets to enjoy a 20% discount! 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #梧棲 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #台中港酒店 #情人節 #白色情人節 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #travel
#享吃 福港鍋物「 #港灣椰子雞鍋」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 泰國進口100%天然椰子水,搭配冷壓椰子油及竹笙所熬製的湯底🥥 香甜椰子味完美呈現!!搭配肉質鮮嫩的桂丁雞 只有台中港酒店才有的絕佳風味!值得各位港粉一試 󠀠 ▪️港灣椰子雞鍋 ▪️售價 NT$520 ▪️營業時間 11:30~14:00 ; 17:30~21:00 (不分平日/假日) >>>最後點餐時間為20:30 ▪️2024.03.01~2024.03.31止於 #Facebook 或 #Instagram 拍照打卡即可享鍋物 #限折100元 優惠(每鍋限折抵一次) 󠀠 ▪️訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6388 ▪️福港鍋物 https://pse.is/5nx4fj 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Thai imported 100% natural coconut water, combined with cold-pressed coconut oil and a broth crafted with bamboo shoots. 🥥 Perfectly presenting the sweet coconut flavor! Paired with tender Gui Ding chicken, it's a unique and delightful taste experience exclusive to Taichung Harbor Hotel. It's a must-try for all the fans! 󠀠 ▪️Harbor Coconut Chicken Hot Pot ▪️Price: NT$520 ▪️Operating hours: 11:3014:00; 17:3021:00 (Every day) >>>Last order at 20:30 ▪️From 2024.03.01 to 2024.03.31, take a photo and check-in on #Facebook or #Instagram to enjoy a hot pot at a discount of NT$100 (discount applicable once per pot). 󠀠 ▪️Reservation hotline: (04)3705-5888 ext. 6388 ▪️Harbor Hot Pot: https://pse.is/5nx4fj 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #福港鍋物 #火鍋 #椰子雞鍋 #椰子 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food #hotpot
#婦女節 #女性 #國際婦女節 󠀠 向所有優雅、美麗的女性朋友們致以最美好的祝福 願妳們美好生活裡充滿愛和自信 台中港酒店全體同仁祝各位姊妹們婦女節快樂💓💓💓 󠀠 ▪️立即訂房 https://pse.is/5ncjmu 【高鐵飯店聯票】訂房加購高鐵車票,享8折優惠! 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 To all the elegant and beautiful women, we extend our warmest wishes. May your lives be filled with love and confidence. The entire staff at Taichung Harbor Hotel wishes all the wonderful ladies a Happy Women's Day! 💓💓💓 󠀠 ▪️Book now: https://pse.is/5ncjmu 【High-Speed Rail Hotel Combo】Book a room and purchase High-Speed Rail tickets for an 8% discount! 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #梧棲 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #婦女節 #國際婦女節 #女性平權 #共同前行 #平等共融 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #travel
#享吃 福港鍋物「 #檳城叻沙鍋」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 以 #15種辛香料 調製而成的叻沙鍋🍲 加上100%泰國進口椰子水熬製,微辣卻不嗆口 來場味覺的極致享受吧!! 󠀠 ▪️檳城叻沙鍋 ▪️售價 NT$620 󠀠 ▪️訂位專線 (04)3705-5888分機6388 ▪️福港鍋物 https://tchhotel.com/service_detail/23?cid=3 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Laksa Hot Pot crafted with #15Spices and simmered with 100% Thai-imported coconut water. Mildly spicy yet not overpowering, indulge in the ultimate taste sensation!🍲 󠀠 ▪️ Penang Laksa Hot Pot ▪️ Price: NT$620 󠀠 ▪️ Reservation hotline: (04)3705-5888 ext. 6388 ▪️ Fuku Hot Pot: https://tchhotel.com/service_detail/23?cid=3 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #福港鍋物 #火鍋 #叻沙鍋 #椰子 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food #hotpot
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「#泰式打拋豬飯」#讓我說給您聽 󠀠 酸辣香濃的泰國風味,搭配嫩滑多汁的豬肉 讓人不自覺的就把米飯吃光光啦~~~ 󠀠 🔥泰式打拋豬飯 🔥售價 NT$280 󠀠 ☎訂位專線 (04)2656-8888分機6188 📜Pier88餐酒館 https://reurl.cc/nLvx62 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 The tangy and spicy Thai flavor, paired with tender and juicy pork, makes people unconsciously devour all the rice~~~ 󠀠 🔥Thai Pulled Pork Rice 🔥Price: NT$280 󠀠 ☎ Reservation Hotline: (04)2656-8888 ext. 6188 📜Pier88 Restaurant: https://reurl.cc/nLvx62 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #台中美食 #豬肉 #泰式 #亞洲料理 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#享愛 #愛情 #情人節 󠀠 󠀠 在這浪漫的日子裡,愛如春風,溫暖心房 您是我生命中的那抹亮色,陪我共走每一段旅程 願這個情人節充滿愛與溫馨,讓我們攜手走過更多個情人節!🌹💖 󠀠 #台中港酒店 全體同仁🙇‍♀️🙇🙇‍♂️ 祝天下有情人終成眷屬、沒情人終有歸屬👩‍❤️‍👨 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 On this romantic day, love is like a spring breeze, warming our hearts. You are the bright color in my life, accompanying me through every journey. May this Valentine's Day be filled with love and warmth, as we walk hand in hand through many more Valentine's Days together! 🌹💖 󠀠 #TeamTaiChungHarborHotel 🙇‍♀️🙇🙇‍♂️ Wishing all lovers a happy ending, and for those without a special someone, may you find your true connection. 👩‍❤️‍👨 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #梧棲 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #情人節 #把握當下 #枕邊人 #taichung #wuqi #travel #sweet #valentine’s
#春節 #HappyNewYear #龍年行大運 󠀠 龍年吉祥!!在這充滿生氣與活力的龍年 期待在我們能與您共創更多美好回憶🐉 󠀠 #台中港酒店 全體同仁祝各位 龍精虎猛、步步高升,事業蒸蒸日上,家庭幸福安康 #龍年行大運 春節快樂!! 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Wishing you a prosperous Year of the Dragon! In this lively and energetic year, we look forward to creating more beautiful memories with you.🐉 󠀠 The entire team at #TaichungHarborHotel wishes everyone great strength and success, continuous progress in your career, and happiness and well-being for your family. May you have a joyful and auspicious Chinese New Year! #YearoftheDragon #HappySpringFestival 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #新春 #春節 #賀文 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「 #費城牛肉起司潛艇堡」 #讓我說給您聽 󠀠 將薄切嫩煎的牛肉條搭配熱融的芝士 夾在柔軟的潛艇堡裡 肉質鮮嫩,芝士濃郁,豐富層次的風味令人陶醉 󠀠 🔥費城牛肉起司潛艇堡 🔥售價 NT$480 󠀠 ▪️ 訂位專線 (04)2656-8888分機6188 ▪️ Pier88餐酒館 https://psee.io/5k776k 󠀠 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ 󠀠 Thinly sliced and lightly pan-fried beef strips are paired with melted cheese, sandwiched in a soft submarine roll. The tender meat and rich, creamy cheese create a delightful and flavorful experience. 󠀠 🔥Philadelphia Cheesesteak Sub 🔥Price: NT$480 󠀠 ▪️ Reservation hotline: (04)2656-8888 ext. 6188 ▪️ Pier88 Restaurant: https://psee.io/5k776k 󠀠 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #牛肉 #美味 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「 #炸豬排便當」 #讓我說給您聽 豬排沾裹的蛋液,增加外酥內嫩的口感 選用嫩肉部位,製作成薄片的豬排 搭配湯品及小菜,成為午餐的極致享受!! 🔥炸豬排便當 🔥售價 NT$250 ☎訂位專線 (04)2656-8888分機6188 📜Pier88餐酒館 https://tchhotel.com/project_pier88 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ #IndulgeInEating Pier88 Restaurant " #FriedPorkChopBento" #LetMeTellYou The pork chop coated in egg adds a crispy outside and tender inside texture. Using a tender cut, the pork chop is sliced thinly. Paired with soup and side dishes, it becomes the ultimate enjoyment for lunch!! 🔥Fried Pork Chop Bento 🔥Price NT$250 ☎️ Reservation Hotline: (04) 2656-8888 ext. 6188 📜 Pier88 Restaurant: https://tchhotel.com/project_pier88 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #台中美食 #日式美食 #便當 #美味 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#享吃 Pier88餐酒館「 #照燒雞腿便當」 #讓我說給您聽 深受大眾喜愛商務便當之一 特點是香甜的照燒醬汁和多汁的雞腿肉 讓你感受到日本料理的精緻和美味 🔥照燒雞腿便當 🔥售價 NT$250 ☎訂位專線 (04)2656-8888分機6188 📜Pier88餐酒館菜單 https://tchhotel.com/project_pier88 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ #Indulge Pier88 Restaurant "Teriyaki Chicken Business box" #LetMeTellYou One of the beloved business bento boxes Highlighted by the sweet teriyaki sauce and juicy chicken leg Bringing you the delicacy and deliciousness of Japanese cuisine 🔥Teriyaki Teriyaki Chicken Business box 🔥Price: NT$250 ☎Reservation hotline: (04)2656-8888, extension 6188 📜Pier88 Restaurant Menu: https://tchhotel.com/project_pier88 #台中 #海線 #台中飯店 #台中住宿 #親子友善 #台中港酒店 #Pier88餐酒館 #台中美食 #日式美食 #便當 #美味 #港編說菜 #taichung #Wuqi #hotel #food
#港邊眷村│新港受 #清水 車道與鐵路交錯形成的「橋中橋」奇景 不少攝影愛好者都會齊聚在這🚞捕捉火車經過的精采瞬間 除了美景外,這裡也鄰近清水紫雲巖,許多美食可以品嚐唷!! 《 #五福圳自行車道 》 🍁地址│ 台中市清水區中山路422-12號 ☎訂房專線│(04)2656-8888分機9 🚅立即訂房 https://pse.is/5h6tn4 ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ #HarborSideMilitaryVillage│New Harbor in #Qingshui A unique scene of "Bridge within a Bridge" formed by the intersection of roads and railways. Many photography enthusiasts gather here 🚞 to capture the exciting moments when the train passes by. In addition to the beautiful scenery, this place is also close to the Qingshui Purple Cloud Cave, where you can taste many delicious dishes!! 《#WufuCanalBikeTrail》 🍁 Address│ 422-12 Zhongshan Road, Qingshui District, Taichung City ☎ Reservation Hotline│(04) 2656-8888 ext. 9 🚅 Book Now: https://pse.is/5h6tn4 #台中港酒店 #台中住宿 #台中飯店 #海線 #網美景點 #熱門景點 #清水景點 #來阮ㄟ故鄉七淘 #自行車道 #火車 #instagram #taichung #wuqi #travel #photo




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